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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Zoe Saldana fronts LensCrafters campaign
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Zoe Saldana fronts LensCrafters campaign

Zoe Saldana is fronting new advertising campaign for an optical brand LensCrafters.
The US actress is working on their new 'My Look' service, which offers customers the chance to try on four frames and take high-definition pictures with each, comparing the images side-by-side.
In a backstage video for the photoshoot, Zoe said: "I think it's very important to have glasses that sort of reflect or enhance your character. I have the sexy ones, the studious ones ... [and being] the girl that I am, I'm also looking for the Jackie Os, or the Audrey Hepburn sort of look."
The adverts will debut this week in print, online and in over 900 LensCrafters stores throughout the US.
Zoe is a big fan of fashion too and enjoys experimenting with her looks on the red carpet.
Speaking about her stylist, she said: "She's one of my closest friends and we have so much fun with fashion. I don't let it worry me."
Her huge interest in fashion goes hand in hand with her admiration of the craftsmanship behind creating a fashion line.
She said: "I love the craftsmanship of it ... I love the composition, what designers go through to build a collection, to build a line, to build a label, a brand."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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