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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · WHICH MASCARA WAND?
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By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist


We are spoilt for choice when it comes to buying quality mascara these days. The ingredients of various brands promise amazing results but it all comes down to the right mascara brush for your lashes. Our guide should make it easy for you to decide!


Mascara With Big Bristle Brush


For those with standard length lashes to start with, who want a lot of volume and curl, look no further. The fatter brush forces the lashes to curl more around it. The dense bristles will also create fuller looking lashes as it places more of the product on the lashes. You can find a good mascara bristle brush in cheaper and luxurious brands, from Avon and Revlon to Dior.


Mascara With Plastic Comb Wand


For those with sparser lashes or on the shorter side, the slimmer plastic comb might be the answer. The brush is made of plastic or rubber with tiny teeth spaced evenly on the brush head. This brush tends to pick up much more of the product, i.e. seems wetter and helps with separation and definition.  Max Factor, Revlon, Bourjois and higher brands all stock up this type of mascara wands.


Mascara With Curved Brush


Anyone with very straight lashes should make this their favourite one. The curve of the brush faces upwards and lashes sit into it. Any mascara with a ‘curling’ promise on the packaging has most likely this type of brush included, from Estee Lauder to Avon.


Mascara With Tapered Brush


The pointy brush for any perfectionist who wants to achieve an ideal separation and not leave out any little lash in a process. L’Oreal or Clinique and many other brands stock up this classic.


Top Tip: Protect your eyes from any health risk and ditch your mascara after 3 months of use. Avoid ‘double-dipping’ the brush into the tube to prolong their life and prevent bacteria.


By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist


Posted: 13 May 2013

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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