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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Victoria's Secret Angels reveal seduction tips
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Victoria's Secret Angels reveal seduction tips

To celebrate the famous lingerie brand's new limited edition ‘Very Sexy Seduction’ line, the top models for the brand called ‘Angels’ have shared their top seduction tips. 
Whilst Alessandra Ambrosio mysteriously kept hers "a secret", Miranda Kerr  - who is married to Orlando Bloom - was very open about her techniques.
Whilst fanning herself in the sexy new ad, the 29-year-old advised: "Just undo one button at a time - that's what I call seduction. I mean oh."
Another Victoria’s Secret Angel, Candice Swanepoel believes that a simple "coy look" does the trick to catch a man's eye and while the other girls are attracted to flowers, candlelit romantic dinners and "guys that listen to what you have to say" the 23-year-old only needs her men to be one thing. 
She quipped: "Just to be ridiculously good-looking."
Lindsay Ellingon claims "a guy who is intelligent and down to earth" is key and fellow Angel Erin Heatherton thinks "rudeness is the worst" when it comes to turn-offs. 
The Angels are getting ready for the annual Victoria's Secret runway show on December 4th this year, which will feature performances by Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Bruno Mars.

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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