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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · TWO NIGHT-OUT HAIR IDEAS
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By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-Up Artist


Ran out of ideas how to rock this weekend’s night out? Let the celebs do the talking. This week we love these two fab looks: 


If you’ve got 15 minutes after hair wash:


Jenna Elfman’s Dishevelled Crowning Glory

This is easily achievable with the trusted ‘holy trinity’ of hairstyling tools: a volume mousse, a big round brush and a hairdryer. Just make sure you hold the round brush vertically and twist away from your face, when blow-drying your long side-swept fringe. Lift the hair up at the roots with the brush for voluminous result. Fix with the strong hold hairspray.





If you’ve got 30 minutes after hair wash:


Monica Potter’s Perfect Wavy Tresses

If you’ve got more time on your hands, reach for a curling tong, a conical or a classic one, and hold it vertically whilst wrapping the 1-inch or 2-inch hair sections around the tong. Flatten the curls with your palms afterwards, or run your fingers through the curled hair if they are too spirally, to create a wavy finish effect.



Top Tip: If you are a fan of the wavy look, save yourself time with investing into a 2-barreled or 3-barreled waving tong. You can work with the larger section of hair at once and be out the door in no time.






By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-Up Artist

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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