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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · TOP FRUIT FOR BEAUTIFUL SKIN
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By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist


Eat your way to gorgeous skin thanks to these super-fruits with anti-aging power.


Banish Wrinkles with Blueberries

How: The antioxidants in blueberries protect your skin against skin cell damaging free radicals, caused by sun exposure, emotional stress or over-exercising.  Half a cup daily shall keep your skin firm.


Get Dewy Complexion with Watermelon

How: Packed with the ultimate antioxidant, vitamin C, together with lycopene and potassium, watermelon regulates the balance of water and nutrients in skin cells. Make it your regular weekly snack.


Keep Skin Plump with Pomegranates

How: Pomegranates seeds contains ellagic acid that fights damage from skin-harming free radicals. Furthermore, it also contains a super-nutrient ‘punicalagin’ that may increase your body's capacity to preserve collagen, the anti-aging connective tissue. Munch on pomegranate seeds every week.


Smoothen Skin with Kiwis and Tomatoes

How: A delicious kitchen regular, tomato is another lycopene-packed fruit with anti-oxidant properties, as well as vitamin C loaded kiwis. Prevent the appearance of fine lines by including these yummy ‘skin doctors’ in your diet.


By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist

Posted: 29 April 2013

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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