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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Solange Knowles names Michelle Obama her style icon
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Solange Knowles names Michelle Obama her style icon

American singer Solange Knowles revealed US First Lady Michelle Obama as her style icon because she "owns herself". 
The younger sister of a superstar Beyonce Knowles - has great admiration for the US First Lady because she "empowers" women by what she wears and is not swayed by the opinions of others.
She told Huffington Post: "Not only is Michelle's style just stunning, but I love what she does for the American people and the American women specifically in terms of owning yourself and not wavering it towards other people's perceptions, especially as a First Lady.
"I've seen people criticise her in terms of her showing arms or legs, but I think it's so amazing how she empowers women to have a really strong sense of self and go after what makes them happy."
Talking about her own style, flamboyant Solange admits she often changes what she likes but is currently into a "minimalist" look. 
She told People.com: "I've sorta begun to go for the minimalist approach. Obviously I wear a lot of prints and a lot of colours, but there are so many different facets to my style and this last particular season had a very minimalist vibe.
"I can wear one colour, but there has to be a certain detail there. I like things that are extremely architectural and amazing, so I can just build an outfit around that."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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