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Petra Nemcova eats organic chocolate for breakfast

The Czech model Petra Nemcova admitted kicking off her day with a energy-boosting chocolate as she doesn't like to deprive herself of sweet treats.

Speaking at the F&F autumn/winter 2013 fashion show, Petra said: "Often my breakfast is actually green tea and chocolate so it is like energy, when I need an extra lift or extra wake up call, that's what I have for breakfast. I eat lots of chocolate! I am not just healthy, healthy, I love Green & Blacks so every time I come to London, I do have my joys."

The beauty - who created the Happy Hearts Fund charity in 2005 to help children in natural disaster areas - says her passion for animal rights influences her diet just as much as her desire to say fit and healthy, particularly because of her family history of diabetes.

Petra explained: "I am very healthy, I don't eat meat, I don't eat chicken in the US, I eat chicken when I know it is organic and farm raised. I don't eat fish unless it is caught by a local fisherman or by sustainable fishing. Some of my diet is because of being healthy and some of my diet is due to caring for animals so it is sort of a mix.

"Part of it is being healthy in my figure and looking slim, but part of it is because I have diabetes in my family, and I know this is the best investment I can do because diabetes can get very complicated."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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