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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Natural Beauty Heroes In Your Kitchen
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Natural Beauty Heroes In Your Kitchen

Beauty miracles can be found much closer than your local beauty counter and without breaking the bank. Here are our top heroes that are good enough to eat too.


Honey – The Nature’s Moisturiser

Nature’s liquid gold, honey is an amazing skin’s moisturiser that opens and cleans the pores. Honey also helps to add shine to your hair and soothes the hair follicles. If you suffer from dry lips, apply some honey on your lips, let it work for a bit and then simply lick it off.


Lemon – The Skin Doctor

Freshly squeezed lemon juice works wonders to lighten age spots and reduces blemishes. Add a half-spoon of sugar and make a natural exfoliator. Dandruff problem? Mix some warm olive oil with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, rub your scalp gently with the mixture and rinse off after 15 minutes. Lemon juice works as a natural highlighter for blonde hair, just spray it where you wish to add highlights.


Avocado – The Nourishing Agent

Packed with oil and vitamins, avocado leaves your skin soft and smooth. Use avocado as a facial mask or add some lemon juice and egg white and soften your hands with this mixture. Puffy eyes? Get rid of them with placing slices of avocado under your eyes for 20 minutes.


Coffee – The Powerful Exfoliator

Shrink your pores and give your skin a healthy glow with a brewed, ground coffee leftover. Add an egg white or some olive oil and massage the paste in small circles on your face, removing dead skin and revealing soft skin underneath.


Oats and Yogurt – The Facial Stars

If you suffer from acne look no further than oatmeal. It absorbs unwanted oil and draws out impurities under the skin surface. Cook plain oatmeal, let it to cool down and rub onto clean skin. Rinse of after 25 minutes. Oatmeal’s sidekick, plain yogurt is a beauty alternative to expensive and chemical facial product. When used regularly as a mask, skin becomes even and smooth.


Coconut Oil – The Multitasker

Best investment in your kitchen beauty cupboard, coconut oil is the all-round must have. Cares for ultra-dry skin and treats eczema. Use coconut oil as lip balm, hair conditioner and a makeup remover. It is also antibacterial, so it comes in handy for bruises and cuts.

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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