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Monica Bellucci praises Italian style

Monica Bellucci thinks Italian women are naturally stylish and always exude a sense of femininity and elegance that comes with their culture.
Monica said: "I think it's more a feminity that Italian women have. I grew up in Perugia, Umbria, in a world outside of fashion, so I didn't learn about it until I was older and moved away. In Milan the women are really into fashion and all the big fashion brands are based there, but I don't think they feel pressure to look good all the time. 
"Italian women take care of themselves; they have a special relationship with beauty and in Milan it's even more exaggerated. The style there is more elegant and conservative compared to Rome."
The 48-year-old beauty has become the face of fashion house Dolce and Gabbana after first modelling for them aged 25, and thinks the deal symbolises fierce Italian loyalty and a mutual appreciation of sensual, curvy women. 
Monica told Stylist magazine: "It's amazing [to work with them]. It's a faithful Italian story of love and friendship: the important things in life. I stayed with them and we've stuck together after all these years. When we do photo shoots, it's not work; it's like having fun with my friends creating beautiful pictures together. As Mediterraneans we have the same ideal of beauty.
"If I was French, I'd say the ideal is Brigitte Bardot or Catherine Deneuve, but I'm Italian so grew up with actresses like Gina Lollobrigada and Sophia Loren, so they're our ideal of beauty."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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