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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Miley Cyrus couldn't live with girls
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Miley Cyrus couldn't live with girls

Miley Cyrus never got the opportunity to go to college as her showbiz career took of before she finished high school but she doesn't regret missing out on a college experience because she doesn't think she could share a house with girls.

She told Britain's OK! magazine: "I definitely don't regret not being in a sorority [formal social group of college girls]. I couldn't live in a house full of girls. I would definitely not last. I would strangle them in their sleep."

The 20-year-old star - who is engaged to actor Liam Hemsworth - also revealed she feels like a different person since she has cut her hair short and dyed it blonde.

She said: "I feel like people have a better understanding of who I am. I felt so lost when I had my long hair, only because I wore it up every day. I feel like I can be so much more casual, I feel cleaner, more modern. My hair was fake anyway, so it wasn't as scary to cut it because I just had to unclip it. Now when I see an old photo, I wish someone would have told me that extensions were not cute when I had them. I hate them and I look and I just feel the whole look is not what is in right now anyway."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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