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Mena Suvari prefers to dress in a classy way

The US actress Mena Suvari says her style has changed over the years and she now chooses more classic and conservative pieces.
She told People: "I think I was all over the place. Now, I love classic pieces, timeless pieces. I see myself thinking about my age ... and now I just want to keep it classy."
Mena is looking forward to upcoming colder season as it means she gets to buy a new wardrobrobe.
She said: "I feel like I'm on the endless hunt for an amazing, really chunky black knit cardigan. I'm always in a store looking for it, and I can't find it anywhere!"
Mena recently revealed she has great skin because she eats so much fresh food. The 'American Pie Reunion' star is considered one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and she says her beauty regime is based on diet first, then cosmetics.
She revealed: "My father was European so there was always fresh food in the house. People get caught up in trying to treat themselves from the outside in and it's really about what you do on the inside."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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