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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Kim Kardashian exposes her fashion faux pas
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Kim Kardashian exposes her fashion faux pas


Kim Kardashian has put herself on the ‘Worst Dressed People’ list and admitted she doesn't always choose the clothes that flatter her curvaceous figure. 
She uploaded a series of paparazzi shots of herself to her official website, including the yellow suede jacket and leather mini skirt combo with her message: "I am putting myself on the worst dress list for this outfit!
"I wanted a little colour while I'm living in Miami, so my intentions were good, but the cut isn't for me! You definitely need to be taller and thinner to pull this jacket style off!
"Fashion is all about experimenting to try and find your style and you have some hits and misses along the way. The mirror was lying to me this day! Where were my sisters or my boyfriend when I needed a good opinion?!"
Kim has been said to curb her style from trashy to classy to fit in with her high-profile boyfriend Kanye West.
The rapper has allegedly advised her to take some fashion tips from Britain's Duchess Catherine and stick to more conservative designer clothes.
A friend recently revealed: "Kanye has been urging Kim to tone down her make-up and style her hair in a more conservative style, like Kate.
"And it's not just Kate's regal look that Kanye wants Kim to mimic. He's also told her that she could learn a thing or two about poise and sophistication from Kate."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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