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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Kate Moss reveals her fashion must-haves
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Kate Moss reveals her fashion must-haves

The effortlessly stylish model Kate Moss says she can’t live without a tuxedo jacket, jeans and heels.
She said: "Every woman should have a well tailored tuxedo, a pair of jeans and heels. I don't know what I'll be buying for fall exactly but it will definitely include jeans and jackets."
Kate also admits she doesn't rule out any fashion items as she loves to experiment with her look.
Asked if there is anything she would never wear, Kate said: "I never say never as I always end up wearing it."
And it seems Kate's 10-year-old daughter, Lila Grace, is following in her mother's footsteps as the little girl is delighted she can wear Topshop Petite clothes.
Kate's husband Jamie Hince said: "She just loves clothes. She's mad about Topshop. Just before I left for New York, she was so made up because she could finally fit into the shop's petite range. But she was still a little bit devastated because there was so much she couldn't fit in to - yet."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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