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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Julianne Hough has a 'schizophrenic' approach to styling
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Julianne Hough has a 'schizophrenic' approach to styling

The 24-year-old actress Julianne Hough is "schizophrenic" with her fashion choices and likes to change her look on a daily basis from wearing men's clothes to "edgy" leather garments.  
She said: "I want to say I'm schizophrenic with my fashion. One day I'm feeling a certain way and I'm very feminine. And then the next day, I'm a little bit more edgy with leather. And some days I like to wear men's clothing."
The 'Rock of Ages' star has felt "more comfortable" with her look this year than ever before and admits she has used 2012 to be more experimental with her fashion choices. 
She explained: "I think the last few months is when I've really stepped out of the box and have tried to take some risks and chances. I think that I've been more comfortable and I've felt better and I've gotten more response in the last couple of months than I ever have."
Julianne added to PEOPLE that wearing too many on-trend garments at the same time is not a good look: "Don't go overboard with trends. Choose one trend at a time. Don't do like the oxblood, the leather pants and a leather jacket. That might be a little too much. Just wear it sparingly. But my biggest do is just always wear what makes you feel good and what you're comfortable in. Fashion is supposed to be fun and give off something about who you are."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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