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Jimi Hendrix releases clothing line

The late rock guitar legend, Jimi Hendrix was not only famed for his exceptional musical talent but his colourful and flamboyant fashion style style of the 1960’s. To commemorate what would have been his 70th birthday later this month, Jimi’s sister Janie Hendrix and the CEO of Experience Hendrix LLC have partnered with Lyric Culture to release a clothing line in his honour.
They said: "We're delighted to partner with Lyric Culture to launch this line of Jimi Hendrix apparel and jewellery.
The clothing designs will also include the words of Jimi's most popular songs.
They added: "Jimi's words, music and handwriting have been cherished by so many for so long and this underscores how resonant his art has been all this while and, certainly into the future."
The range will be sold through department store Bloomingdales across the USA from this week, and has been released to coincide with what would have been the late icon's 70th birthday, which would have been on November 27 2012.
Hanna Rochelle, founder of Lyric Culture, said: "We are honoured to celebrate the 70th birthday of Jimi Hendrix with a new Lyric Culture men's fashion collection inspired by the fearless and innovative lyrics of one of rock music's most influential artists.
"His legendary style and iconic music is integrated into every design. Some pieces even include Jimi's actual handwritten lyrics incorporated into the fabric prints."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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