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Jessie J reveals blonde look

British pop sensation Jessie J has revealed her new blonde crop, shortly after she shaved her signature black and sleek bob for charity Comic Relief earlier this month.


Jessie J celebrated her 25th birthday yesterday and dyed her hair blonde to mark the occasion.

Under a picture of her new look, she wrote on Instagram: "It's my birthday and I'll be blonde if I want to."

Jessie is currently away with friends to celebrate her birthday, but sent a message of thanks to all those who have wished her well.

She wrote on Twitter: "I have no signal where I am so I'm hoping this sends!! Thank you in advance for all the birthday tweets and messages!!! I feel so happy right now!!! I'm 25!!! Waahhh!!! #birthdaymadness (sic)."

Jessie raised over £500,000 in sponsorship fees for Comic Relief by cutting off her hair, and says she chose to do something so extreme because it is a statement which will last.

After her hair had been shaved off, Jessie said: "It's the weirdest feeling. My mum's crying with happiness."

She later added on Twitter: "I am soooo thankful to everyone who has donated @rednoseday and supported me tonight! My heart is filled with happiness! Lets make a change! X (sic)."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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