By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-Up Artist
You are ready for a change but get quite lost in the beauty store aisle every time you want to choose a new hair dye. Too much choice and you don’t even know where to start. Sounds familiar? End this nightmare with our guide to your perfect hair colour.
What Is Colour?
Colour is actually the reflection of light off of the coloured pigments in the hair shaft. By changing your hair colour, you are simply adding or subtracting colours.
What Is A Shade Of Colour?
A shade of colour is made up of different combinations of reflections off the pigments. This is why hair colour – natural and dyed – looks different under fluorescent lights and in natural sunlight.
The eye sees colour levels – the degrees of lightness or darkness. Black hair reflects very little light and the lightest shade of blonde reflects the most amount of light.
Choosing The Right Hair Colour
The best hair colour for you is the one that compliments your skin tone, your eye colour and your natural hair colour.
If you have Warm Skin Undertones (Ivory, Peachy, Golden Brown, Creamy Beige, Tawny, Coppery, Deep Golden Brown) and the following eye colours: Blue, Blue-Green, Hazel, Green, Amber or Coffee – your best hair colour options are: Golden with Red Highlights, Golden Brown, Honey Brown, Chestnut, Copper or Mahogany.
If your skin is Rosy Pink, Rosy Beige, Dark Olive, Dark Brown or Ebony and your eyes are Light Blue, Gray-Blue, Deep Blue, Deep Green, Brown or Black, your best hair colour options are: Plum Highlights, Burgundy Highlights, Ash Blonde, Platinum Blonde, Brown, Dark Brown and Black.
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