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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Helena Christensen debuts her lingerie range
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Helena Christensen debuts her lingerie range

The original supermodel, Helena Christensen has created her own range of lingerie in collaboration with Triumph, expressing her fascination with the creative process.

The Danish beauty has worked on a luxury collection for Triumph consisting of three variously themed ranges - Poetica, Ballerina and Dahlia.
She explained: "I was already their campaign girl, but Triumph suggested evolving the partnership and collaborating together. It was such a great opportunity to work with such a traditional, established company and have them support me in making my own line.”
The model mum designed it all herself but greatly appreciated the team behind all technical aspects of it: “We’ve put together mood boards, sketches, fabrics, just anything that I felt inspired by. There was a lot to learn - I even went to Hong Kong to talk to the seamstresses and see the samples, I was really involved.”
Helena, who is also a successful entrepreneur and photographer believes her years of modelling experience helped a lot with her work on the range.
She added: "I've been in the business for so many years as a model, and you're constantly surrounded by creative and inspiring people - it's a mind-blowing business to be in.
The Helena Christensen for Triumph collection will hit stores in January 2013.

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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