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Halle Berry's 30 years of therapy

The 46-year-old actress Halle Berry has been seeking therapy for over 30 years to deal with issues surrounding her alcoholic father Jerome and finds the therapy helpful to deal with anything stressful since.

She said: "I've done therapy on an as-needed basis since I was probably 10 years old. My father was an alcoholic and a very abusive one, and my mother knew the value of providing me with the outlet of an unbiased person to talk to, so I've done that all my life when times get stressful. It really helps me deal with stuff."

However, the star - who is engaged to Olivier Martinez - tries to keep her problems hidden from her loved ones and would hate to take them out on other people.

Halle - who has endured a bitter custody battle with Gabriel over Nahla which culminated in a fight between her ex and her current partner - added to the UK issue of HELLO! magazine: "I try really hard not to take my problems out on others and, in order to do that, I tend to mask the bad stuff or deal with it internally - you know, keep my chin up, put on a brave face and just keep going.

"If I do have a problem, I handle it so well that most other people don't even know about it."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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