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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Gary Barlow: 'I have extreme fashion sense'
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Gary Barlow: 'I have extreme fashion sense'


The Take That frontman Gary Barlow claims he has an "extreme" sense of style, as he is just as comfortable in a tracksuit as he is in a suit. 
He said: "My style is extreme. Sometimes extremely good, sometimes extremely bad. Some days I go from being at home in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt to getting dressed in a three-piece suit with a tie and a tie clip - so it's extreme."
Gary has had problems with his weight in the past and admits now that he is slimmer again he finds shopping more enjoyable.
He told Attitude magazine: "One of the brilliant things of being at an ideal weight is that a whole new set of clothes is available to me now. 
"Every designer has got something for you, whereas in the past there were only a couple of things I could get into. So it's like being in a sweet shop, really, for me now, and I really enjoy wearing the clothes and feeling good about what I'm wearing."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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