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Eye-Bags and Dark Circles First Aid

Your beauty regime is followed religiously and you sleep longer than a Sleeping Beauty but still can’t banish the under-eye circles? Make eye-bags and dark circles history right here.

The Cause: Genetics

The skin under the eye is much thinner than on the rest of the face. Fair skins can show the damage that causes dark circles, like broken blood vessels, more obviously.

The Help: Retinol, one of the forms of vitamin A. Look for the eye cream with this miraculous ingredient that breaks down pigment build-up and thickens collagen in the skin.

The Cause: Ageing

Our skin stops producing so much collagen and skin loses elasticity. The under-eye skin stops getting support, which makes dark circles look worse.

The Help: Creams and serums with SPF to prevent damaging sun-rays speeding up the process of ageing and the loss of collagen.

The Cause: Hyper-pigmentation

The pigment that is responsible for our tanned look, melanin, can build up under the eyes and result in dark circles. Darker skins are more prone to this but rubbing the eyes too aggressively or eczema can cause excess pigmentation to form too.

The Help: Vitamin C can tackle the pigment spots and prvent new ones forming as it has skin brightening properties.

The Cause: Allergies

Hayfever, skincare reaction or any other allergy causes your body to release histamine (which makes you itch) and this causes the skin cells to puff up, resulting in eye-bags formed under your eyes.

The Help: Keep your anti-allergy treatment at hand and pop a cooling face eye-gel mask in the fridge for few minutes, then soothe your puffy skin.

Cheap trick for puffy eyes: Make some black tea, using 2 tea bags, brew for 5 minutes, squeeze excess water, pop them in a freezer for 10 minutes and then apply on eyes for 10 minutes. The tannin in tea will work its magic.

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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