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Emma Watsons zero interest in 50 Shades of Grey role

The 22-year-old British actress Emma Watson is said to be not interested in taking on the role of Anastasia Steele in the movie adaptation of erotic novel by E. L. James called '50 Shades of Grey'.


She tweeted: "Who here actually thinks I would do 50 Shades of Grey as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life (sic)."


The role would be a huge departure from Emma's previous movies as Anastasia is the love interest of Christian Grey, the male protagonist of the book who introduces her to the world of bondage and kinky sex.


Keira Knightley was also linked to the movie but the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' star was equally unenthusiastic about taking on the raunchy role.


When asked if her next project will be a more risque literary adaptation than she has done in the past, she replied: "No, it's not. It's not going to be 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' You know, I normally don't like to give a definite about anything, [but] I can definitely say it will not be 'Fifty Shades of Grey'."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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