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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Diane von Furstenberg is book inspiration
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Diane von Furstenberg is book inspiration

The iconic designer Diane von Furstenberg is the subject of a new book 'The Empress´s New Clothes', by Camilla Morton. It is her latest fashion fairy tale memoir series, with a twist on classic Andersen´s story.
The book tells the story of two young girls - Diane (based on the designer's life), and an Empress, who is struggling with her new royal duties.
Camilla said: "Once you are immersed in the designer's world, maybe it's magic but, they really do just appear to write themselves. Plus, there are so many characters and personalities I have seen in fashion that inspiration was easy to find. Diane's story and enthusiasm is so rich that I really wanted to up the fairy tale and bring the Empress to life."
Whilst Camilla wrote the story, Diane drew the illustrations - deciding on the prints, colours and layout of each page. 
Camilla added: "Diane is an amazing woman - she is a great designer, motivator and role model. Even without the fairy tale twist she is an incredible modern-day heroine and what makes her even more compelling is that none of her part of the story is make believe. Diane is a fabulous example of someone who has made her own fairy tale come true. I loved her biography, 'Diane: A Signature Life', and was really inspired by her - her character, drive and determination. Fashion isn't about overnight success - it's about hard work, great ideas and original designs and I found Diane's success and savvy business story very empowering."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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