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Cate Blanchett: Worst-dressed a badge of honour

Hollywood actress Cate Blanchett isn't worried about being named worst dressed by magazines, insisting she wears the critique as a badge of honour.
The 'Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' actress admits she has made some fashion errors on the red carpet in the past, but doesn't mind making worst-dressed lists because she doesn't care what others think.
In an interview with the Huffington Post, she explained: "If you're worried about that stuff, you can tell. I mean, I've had some doozies. They don't always work. But who are you dressing for? You can't always dress for Us Weekly magazine.
"I think [being named worst-dressed] is a badge of honour."
The Oscar-winning beauty is known for her bold fashion choices - including dividing opinion with her attention-grabbing pastel Givenchy gown at the 2011 Academy Awards - and says while sometimes the risk pays off, it can just as easily go wrong.
She said: "I don't want to drop a designer, but it's usually because there's too much hair and make-up competing with the outfit. Or you've seen something fabulous, and it is fabulous, but it doesn't quite work on you.
"The other thing is, you can fall in love with something on a shoot, and it might work on a still shot, but not in real life."
The 43-year-old star added she has gained many new friends who are vying to adopt her designer wardrobe.
Cate joked: "Suddenly my friend's daughters are becoming my best friends. I have so many 12-year-old girlfriends. I don't know, maybe my sons will be gay."

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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