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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Alexa Chung never wears same look twice
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Alexa Chung never wears same look twice

The British fashionista Alexa Chung says her main style rule is to never wear the same combination of clothes and accessories more than once and she thinks every girl should have a capsule wardrobe in order to mix their look up easily.

She told The Telegraph newspaper: "I never revisit the same item in the same outfit twice, as even swapping a shirt under your jumper can update the look. However, there are always key pieces that are quite boring but staple - for me, it's a white T-shirt by APC, black high-waisted jeans and an excellent pea-coat.

"Once you have found your staple items, you can then start to experiment with pattern and colour."

The British beauty often gets bored of her style and feels the urge to throw all her clothes out, but she advises budding trend-setters to invest in a statement piece instead as it can update your whole wardrobe.

Alexa explained: "Don't chuck everything out of your wardrobe and start again. Invest in the odd item every couple of months. A new purchase can change your perspective on other items in your wardrobe. I often find that if I've run out of inspiration, I'll go to a vintage shop, or look for a statement shoe that makes me come up with new ways to wear items I already own. Something as simple as trying on a friend's jacket can open your eyes to a fresh approach."


:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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