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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · 7 BEST HAIR AND BEAUTY TIPS
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By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist


With this clever beauty advice you’ll wish you knew this way earlier!


1. Hair Dye Stains

Fan of DIY hair colouring? Apply a layer of lip balm along your hairline beforehand to prevent hair dye staining your skin.


2. Hair Growth

When washing your hair, massage the shampoo in for at least three minutes with your fingertips – massage helps stimulate hair growth.


3. Dark circles

Dark circles nightmare? Soak cotton pads in chilled green or black tea and place them over your eyes. The antioxidants banish eye bags and dark circles under the eyes.


4. Self-Tanning

Avoid oil-based exfoliators and moisturisers whilst prepping skin for self-tanning. It won’t absorb properly and leaves you with unwanted streaks.


5. Saggy Eye Skin

Prevent your delicate skin around the eyes from sagging by gentler eye make-up removing routine. Soak cotton pads in oil-based make-up remover, place on closed eyes for two minutes, then use slow, circular motions to cleanse.


6. Skin Serum And Moisturiser

Leave at least one minute between application of serum and moisturiser, to allow time for complete absorption.


7. Dry Hair In The Summer

At the beach or by the pool, spray your wet hair with a leave-in conditioner each time you get out of the water to stop your tresses from drying out.


By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-up Artist


Posted 04 June 2013

:) :D =D :O :( *love* :P :| Z_Z B) =)) >:( :S *weep* *nerd* S2 ;) *jawdrop* *sick* :X :* *gentleman*
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